If you, or anyone you know, has room for a wonderful Morgan horse,
Vicki Salomonsen (Benwood Morgan Stables, Corpus Christi, TX) is
desperately looking for new homes for most of her 25 horses. She's
open to best offers on many of them, just wants good homes ASAP or
she'll have to turn them over to a rescue group. These are extremely
nice, well-bred Morgans raised with love, but Vicki has had some very
tough times financially and is looking at having to sell her farm, so
she is selling her horses for incredibly low prices. Morgans are known
for their intelligence, versatility, athleticism, friendliness and
robust health, and they are easy to train, fun to ride and great to
live with.
Her email:
I will request references in order to ensure that my horses are going
into a legitimate, wonderful home—this is not meant to offend anyone.
If you are interested in one of my horses please don't be afraid that
you will offend me with an offer. I don't care about the price so much
as the home to which s/he goes. If I am not able to find homes for
some of these horses soon, I will have to contact Forever Morgans, and
the local equine rescue to see if they can take them.
I have tried to list the horses' training (or lack thereof) as best I
can. Please note that just because the horse is not under saddle it is
not at all a reflection of the horse or his/her personality…I have had
health issues/injuries which have made it very difficult for me to
work with the horses, in addition to the other personal issues going
on in my life at this time. The prices on the horses are not an
indication of their quality, it is just a reflection of my need to get
them placed in safe, wonderful homes. The ones that have a higher
price are the ones that I really don't want to part with. I am very
open to offers, leases, and/or terms on my horses, my main concern is
finding a perfect home for each horse.
I have a shipper I use and he is very reasonable, especially for
fill-in rates. He travels all over the US and Canada. He was in Corpus
last week or the week before and will be here again either this week
or next week. He is based out of Texas, though not Corpus.
BNWD Freya Av Vanir (BR AC Impulse Czech x Jen-Don Spiced
Rum)—palomino mare, eeA_; (DOB: 01/26/06); 15.1 hh. Started under
saddle. Suited for western pleasure or dressage. Freya is the sweetest
girl and has never been one to spook or act silly about anything…so
much like her sire. For sale-$2500
http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/bnwd+freya+av+vanir For pix...
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150110602819752.290298.831509751&type=1BR AC Radiance (Noremac Mohawk x Nemours Pavlova)—chestnut mare, eeA_;
(DOB: 01/28/95); 14.3 hh. Broke to saddle. Suited for western
pleasure, dressage, hunter. Amber is a sweet, easy going mare. She has
nice movement. She is very dependable, not at aII a spooky or siIIy
mare. This girl is fun to ride and just needs to be "tuned up". One
person who rode Amber was amazed at how balanced she was! She had her
first ride in over 6 years and did awesome. For saIe-$1500. BEST OFFER
http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/br+ac+radiance For pix...
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150283615309752.352739.831509751#!/media/set/?set=a.10150283615309752.352739.831509751&type=1 DRFM Heir Apparent (Tedwin Topic x Roseridge Enola Gay)—bay stallion,
EeAA; (DOB: 07/01/97); 14.3 hh. Suited for classic pleasure; two
morgan trainers said he would be a very fancy classic pleasure horse.
This boy is just so sweet and loves to please. He is very easy to
handle. For sale-$1500. BEST OFFER
http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/drfm+heir+apparent For pix...
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150213427164752.332680.831509751&type=1 BNWD Lethal Weapon (Whitmorr Law and Order x Concealed Weapon)—bay
stallion, EeAa; (DOB: 04/17/07); 14.2 hh. Suited for English pleasure
or classic pleasure. This boy is sweet, but he oozes attitude…not in a
bad way, just that "here I am, look at me" attitude. This boy belongs
in the show ring…he just has so much presence. This boy is absolutely
beautiful and his pix just don't do him justice. He has the most
beautiful head I've ever seen, and I am very picky about a pretty
head. He has a lot of upward motion and really snaps at the knees and
gets his hocks up under him. For sale-$750. BEST OFFER
http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/bnwd+lethal+weapon For pix...
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150200647474752.328166.831509751&type=1BNWD Valkyrja Av Valhalla (Menomin Flash Dancer x BNWD Footloose
Nfancyfree)—palomino mare with some chrome, ee__Crcr; (DOB: 04/18/08);
15.1 hh. Suited for western pleasure, dressage, hunter. Kyra is a
sweet mare and such a beautiful horse…and BIG (and still growing). For
http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/bnwd+valkyrja+av+valhalla For pix...
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150277276159752.350658.831509751&type=1 BNWD Criminal Intent (Rogue's Thunderhawk x BR AC Texas Blonde)—liver
chestnut mare, eeA_; (DOB: 02/23/08); 14.2 hh. Suited for dressage or
hunter; possibly western pleasure. Crimson is very quiet and easy to
work with. I have been on her back—just hopped on her in the pasture
one day and she could've cared less. She will be very easy to get
going under saddle and will be a very quiet, dependable horse. For
sale-$500. BEST OFFER
http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/bnwd+criminal+intent For pix...
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150282766534752.352478.831509751&type=1BNWD Notorious Diva (Finally's Mr. Amos Frick x April's
Ultimatum)—dunalino mare, eeAaCrcrDd; (DOB: 04/26/07). Suited for
dressage or hunter. Diva is very quiet and sweet. For saIe-$1500.
http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/bnwd+notorious+diva For pix...
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150279320674752.351318.831509751&type=1BNWD Charismatic Heir (DRFM Heir Apparent x BR AC Double Trouble)—bay
mare, EeAA; (DOB: 06/02/05); 13.1 hh. This mare is so quiet and sweet
and would make a great child's or small adult's mount due to her size.
Charisma has such nice movement; she would make an awesome pony
dressage mount. She would also be a fun driving pony. And she is so
easy to work with. I hopped on her back one day while she was
"helping" me fix the fence in the pasture and we just stood still for
about 10-15 minutes with no worry or fear on her part. Charisma is
also a VERY easy keeper; I have a hard time keeping her from getting
too fat! For saIe-$500. BEST OFFER
http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/bnwd+charismatic+heir For pix...
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150213433114752.332687.831509751&type=1 BR AC Double Trouble (Noremac Mohawk x Inglemist Airadaisy)—buckskin
mare (08/06/99); 14.1 hh. Green broke to saddle. This mare is the
sweetest, most laid back horse. Trouble is one of those quiet, sweet
mares that you almost forget about because she is no problem at all.
She is a pretty mare with a gorgeous head, great personality, and she
is also an easy keeper. For sale-$750. BEST OFFER
http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/br+ac+double+trouble For pix...
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150127398219752.296567.831509751&type=1BR AC Texas Blonde (BR AC Texas Gold King x Peppermill
Nakita)—palomino mare, EeAaCrcr; (DOB: 03/28/01); 14.3 hh. Saddle
broke; started ground driving. Blonde is a sweet mare and is a very
nice mover. She's a very smart horse and takes new things in stride. I
am Ieasing this mare from another party…but she is for saIe at $2000.
http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/br+ac+texas+blonde For pix...
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150194255624752.326116.831509751&type=1 BNWD Footloose Nfancyfree (Mac's littlebritches x Jen-Don Spiced
Rum)—palomino mare, eeAaCrcr; (DOB: 05/04/01); 15.2 hh. Suited for
dressage, hunter, or western pleasure. Fancy is a sweet mare and is
very easy to handle. She is not broke to saddle (my issues, not hers).
For saIe-$1000.
http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/bnwd+footloose+nfancyfree For pix...
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150279288384752.351305.831509751&type=1 April's Ultimatum (Noremac Mohawk x Bluevue Silhouette)—seal brown,
EeAa; (DOB: 04/01/00); 14.1 hh. Started under saddle. This mare is
very sweet and has such nice action. This mare is just the epitome of
"morgan". She is beautiful, and easy keeper, sweet personality, very
laid back, and just incredible movement. She is very smart and doesn't
get rattled by anything that I've found so far. For sale $500. BEST
http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/aprils+ultimatum For pix...
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150277271384752.350654.831509751&type=1BNWD Illicit Affair (BNWD Thor Av Bilskimir x BNWD Freya Av
Vanir)--palomino colt; ee__Crcr (DOB: 03/29/11). This was my
"whoopsy-daisy" foal...I am not certain who his sire is, but I suspect
it is BNWD Thor Av Bilskimir; DNA testing will reveal the sire. This
boy is sweet and so easy to work with. And he's built like a tank.
Definitely stud quality, but would make an incredible gelding. I could
really see this boy doing dressage, and doing it well. He'd probably
also do well in western pleasure. For sale $500. BEST OFFER For pix...
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150212760069752.332394.831509751&type=1 Whitemud Victoria Regina (Nostradamus x LCP Pure Elegance)--chestnut
mare; eeAa (DOB: 04/19/96); 15.1 hh. Saddle broke. Has had some issues
with getting pregnant and maintaining pregnancy...maybe a good
candidate for ET. I have gotten 2 incredibly gorgeous colts out of
this mare, so she can carry a pregnancy. This mare is pretty "hot"
under saddle and needs and experienced rider. For sale $1500.
http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/whitemud+victoria+regina For pix...
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150283170644752.352601.831509751BNWD Wiccan Whamunition (Tug Hill Whamunition x Whitemud Victoria
Regina)—bay stallion; EeAa (DOB: 02/17/04); 14.3 hh. Whammy is not
under saddle (due to my issues, not his). He is an incredibly
beautiful horse and one of the few remaining intact THW sons left (so
I've been told). He is very sweet and easy to work with. He loves
being the center of attention. He really likes to "turn it on" in the
arena or pasture when he's being watched, but is a pussycat in halter.
This boy wouldn't be available for sale'lease if my circumstances
weren't so dire as he is EXACTLY what I bred for. Private treaty;
please contact me if interested in leasing/buying Whammy.
http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/bnwd+wiccan+whamunition For
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150277255459752.350647.831509751&type=1&l=8e5d826da3 BNWD Moonlight Silhouette (Winter Moon Enlightenment x Bluevue
Silhouette)—grey stallion; EeaaGrgr (DOB: 05/09/03); 14.2 hh. I have
been on Moon a couple of times and ridden around the arena. He is very
quiet under saddle so far. I think this boy could do about anything
that you threw at him…I've had trainers/instructors tell me he'd be
suitable for dressage, hunter, western pleasure, reining, or possibly
classic pleasure. This boy would not be available for sale/lease if my
circumstances weren't so dire because he is EXACTLY what I bred for!
He has two gorgeous grey fillies on the ground. Private treaty…if
interested, please contact me privately.
http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/bnwd+moonlight+silhouette For pix…
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150200648974752.328169.831509751&type=1&l=93a7855f1e BNWD Scandalous Affair (Amberfields Desperado x Jen-Don Spiced
Rum)—smoky cream stallion; EeaaCrCr (DOB: 05/04/04); 15.1 hh. This boy
is one of the easiest stallions to work with. He is very quiet and
easy to handle. I have ridden him in the arena once and he did great.
Most of the dressage people really like him as he is just built for
dressage and has really nice movement; though I could also see him
doing hunter as well. This boy wouldn't be available for sale'lease if
my circumstances weren't so dire as he is EXACTLY what I bred for.
Private treaty…if interested in leasing/buying Scandal, contact me
http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/bnwd+scandalous+affair For
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150277251659752.350646.831509751&type=1&l=9b03f10e27 BNWD Armed and Dangerous (BNWD Moonlight Silhouette x Concealed
Weapon)—grey (black-based) mare; E_aaGrgr (DOB: 04/17/08); 14.2 hh.
Dani is as sweet as she is beautiful. She has a small motor on her,
but is very easy to handle. She has very nice movement. This is one
that I never thought I would put up for sale. If some of the other
ones sell she will come off as she is one I really wanted to retain.
For sale $2000.
http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/bnwd+armed+and+dangerous For pix…
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150279335214752.351324.831509751&type=1&l=3f22770147 Vicki Salomonsen
Benwood Morgan Stables
Corpus Christi, TX
Benwoodmorganstables@hotmail.com361-244-3055 (text or call)
http://www.bnwd.net/(Note that the web site isn't up to date, but does have some photos.)
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